Delete broadcasted by RTVE
Bulgarian director Simeon Tsonchev’s short film Delete will be aired on TVE2 of RTVE on 22nd March, 0:30 CET.
See what’s posted on RTVE’s website:
On 22nd of March, mere hours after the award ceremony of the 11th edition of the Audiovisual Festival Zemos98 in Seville, TVE2 will air the award-winning films in its programme Metrópolis.
The editors of Metrópolis chose six flicks from the festival selection which stand out with their cinematography and originality, and represent the diversity of genres and plots of Zemos98.
The chosen films undoubtedly have achieved marvellous depictions of man’s connection to their environment – the main theme for Metrópolis.
RTVE (the Spanish Radio-Television Corporation) is a public media financed by the state, founded in 1937. Today RTVE is the biggest TV and radio broadcaster in Spain. TVE2 is a public cultural TV channel; Metrópolis is a weekly magazine for contemporary art and culture.