Five Years & Five Months premiere screening

Five Years & Five Months (directed by Andrey Getov and Neda Sokolovska) reveals what it means to be a woman in the sole female prison in Bulgaria. Verbatim theatre performers Vasilia Drebova, Lina Zlateva, Mila Bancheva, Nadezdha Panayotova and Nevena Kaludova present the real life story of woman who served her sentence at the Sliven prison.

Five Years & Five Months is a 2016 co-production by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee and Vox Populi Documentary Theater Studio, kindly supported by Мono Collective, The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, Dream Team Productions and Concept Studio. Learn what it means to a mother to be denied seeing her child. Find more about the despicable and inhumane conditions of the sole female prison in Bulgaria by reading BHC’s Women Prisoners report.